Help your child learn to ride with the Yvolution Toddlers' Velo Flippa 4-in-1 Trike to Balance Bike. This 4-in-1 trike changes alongside your child’s development with the push of a button and allows kids to ride on 3 wheels as a trike or a 2-wheeled balance bike. The removable pedals can be stored neatly under the seat of the bike.
Features and Benefits
- 4-in-1 trike changes alongside your child’s development with the push of a button
- Design allows kids to ride on 3 wheels as a trike or 2-wheeled balance bike
- Removable pedals can be stored neatly under the seat of the bike
- Adjustable seat and handlebars allow for comfort
- 3 large wheels provide stability
- Higher ground clearance for a safer riding experience
- For kids age 2 to 5 years
- Activity: Cycling
What's in the Box
- Yvolution Toddlers' Velo Flippa 4-in-1 Trike to Balance Bike